At-Home Consult

We'll come to you and work together to design the ideal organization for your space.
We'll review your space(s) in detail to understand what is and isn't working for you and your family. We want to understand what you want out of the space.    Within 1 week, you'll have a comprehensive plan with product recommendations.   If you decide to sign on for an organization execution phase, the price will applied to the overall bill.  

*We've offered the ease of paying for an At Home Consult right on our website.   For the best service, please also complete the Book Now form.



Virtual Consult

An efficient and cost effective way to get started.
Utilizing zoom or FaceTime, we'll spend up to 45 minutes on a virtual tour of your space learning what is and isn't working for you and your family.   We'll provide real time insight and advice and follow up with product recommendations.  This is best suited for clients who need help getting started but prefer to do the execution themselves.

*We've offered the ease of paying for a Virtual Home Consult right on our website.   For the best service, please also complete the Book Now form.



Hands-On Organization

We'll do the work based on your needs and preferences to create your ideal organized space.
The Organization Execution phase includes but is not limited to: shopping, organization labor, sorting/purging, installing, etc.   Plus we'll leave you with a list of recommendations to maintain your new beautiful and functional space!  The average Organization Execution phase is 8 hours.
*All final sorting and purging decisions will be made by the client.   

$60/ hour + product selected for your needs


Quarterly Maintenance

Now that your home is organized, let The Everyday Organizer help keep it that way!

The EveryQuarter Program is exclusively for existing clients!  For an annual membership fee of $100, you will receive the following: 

  • Personalized quarterly reminder and seasonal suggestions
  • Online scheduling at your convenience (Coming Soon!!)
  • Guaranteed 4 hour block for $150 (25% discount!!)
  • Option for seasonal "freshen up" and/or  update of previously organized spaces.

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